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Pokémon Go: All the missions of the Special Research Task for the Day of the SHINX community

The time has come to celebrate in Pokémon Go the Day of the November Community, which is dedicated on this occasion to Shine, one of the electric Pokémon of the fourth generation of the saga. In order not to miss good customs, the event is accompanied by its own special research task, on which we are going to leave with all the details in the following guide.

All the missions of the special research task for the day of the SHINE community

The task in question, called flash, sparkle and sparkle eyes, is only available for those who want acquire it for 0.99 euros. You will find it in the game store and once you become yours you will have all the time you want to complete it, so it will not be necessary to carry it out during the duration of the event.

The missions in question are related to Shine, hence today, November 19, is the ideal time to complete them. In passing, you can get a good amount of this Pokémon to evolve it to Lux ray, which will serve so that learn exclusively the charged psycholmillo attack, but only if you evolve during the duration of the event.

Taking advantage of the occasion there are another series of bonus that will remain assets from 11: 00h until 5:00 p.m. (local time), the duration of the day of the community. This is how you will receive the triple of candy by transfer, the eggs will hatch a faster, faster, the incurs and bait modules will last three hours, and you can also get up to three free incursion passes.

But lets go to the important thing, to the steps to fulfill in this research task along with the rewards that you will take you in return.

Step 1




Increase the power of a Pokémon 10 times


Poke Ball X15.

Capture 15 Shine.


Meeting with Shine.

Make 5 good releases


Caramel Shine X20.

Rewards for finalizing the missions : Star powder x2,000, encounter with Shine and incense x1.

Step 2


Flash, Spark and Gleam Shinx Community Day Special Research Pokemon Go | Shinx Community Day



Capture 15 Shine.


Caramel Shine X30.

Transfer 10 Pokémon


Meeting with Lucio.

Evolve 3 Shine.


Berry India X15.

Rewards for finalizing the missions : Experience points X1,500, Encounter with Shine and incense X1.

Step 3




Make 3 great releases with curved ball


Caramel Shine X50.

A luxury evolves


Star piece X1.

Transfer 10 Pokémon


Super Ball X15.

Rewards for finalizing the missions : Experience points X2,500, RADAR ROCK X1 and ULTRA BALL X15.

Step 4




Claim reward


Bay India Silver X2

Claim reward


Meeting with Shine.

Claim reward


Experience points x3,500

Rewards for finalizing the missions : Star powder X3,000, encounter with Lux ray and rare candy X2.

More Pokémon GO guides

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